Travel Talk: New Paltz Study Abroad
Emily Cope
Online Portfolio Thesis Site
Welcome to Travel Talk: New Paltz Study Abroad. In Spring 2018, I experienced 5 months living and learning abroad in London, England which inspired my love for travel and sharing stories. This book features a collection of anecdotes, quotes, memories, and more from 22 featured SUNY New Paltz students who have participated in a study abroad program. I chose to gather, edit, and design a book focused on these stories, aiming to collect responses of not only the good times, but the challenges, concerns, and shocks that also come along with the study abroad experience. I collected my responses through means of a survey, as well as personal interviews, ranging from freshman students to recent New Paltz alumni. I hope future New Paltz students can be inspired by these past students, to read firsthand accounts from both the good and bad times to gain a better understanding and perspective on studying abroad.